Is it safe to go outside?

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by Stella A. Chester, Comox, March 2017

I am someone who suffers from a hereditary issue, C3 protein deficiency (difficulty in fighting sinus and lung infections) that has now permanently affected the health of my lungs.

Air pollutants has been an issue over the years. Smoke from wood burning, and allergies to plants like broom often worsen my condition.

I was affected during the forest fires a couple of summers ago and as a result installed a heat pump to filter through an already installed high end air filter system.  The now clean residential air has provided a healthy environment for me.  But I am well aware not everyone can afford to do that.

Before I go outside, I have now learned to check online the BC air quality readings to make sure it is safe for me to do so.  My car does have a filter system that I set on interior circulation.  I do wear a mask at times too, not just to avoid other viral infections but also if I come across unexpected smoke, I then try to breath in my own breath.

The winter evenings are especially bad so I remain at home.

The winter evenings are especially bad so I remain at home. I live in the Foxxwood area of Comox and sometimes when I open my dryer at night, I can smell smoke that has seeped into the vent from wood burning stoves surrounding my area.

I have resided here for over twenty years and I am not aware of that being a problem in the past so I do believe this problem has grown and for whatever reason there is additional wood burning smoke lingering.

When the air is clean, with Air Quality Health Index readings of 2 and lower, I do not suffer.  The air pollution at that level does not cause irritation of the sinuses or congestion of the lungs.

It is a shame that we can not put clean air and clean energy ahead of the need for cheap wood fuel.

Our air quality controls and regulations are simply not enough for us to live in the Comox Valley with clean, healthy air. It is a shame that we can not put clean air and clean energy ahead of the need for cheap wood fuel especially when we have so many other clean heating alternatives.

There needs to be more than just municipal incentives to move away from wood burning stoves, there needs to be a ban to ensure clean air and better health for everyone.

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