
Here are links to past newsletters (most recent at the top).

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October 2022: Candidates respond to our questionnaire; update on Wood Smoke Reduction Strategy; new excessive smoke bylaw in Courtenay and more.

November 2021: Coxox byelection candidates respond to questionnaire; Health costs of $76 mill in Comox Valley; HPBAC fundraising for “battle”; New, stricter WHO guidelines; and more.

September 2021: Industry proposal promotes wood burning. Was Libby stove exchange a success? Is wood burning carbon neutral? Roundtable update. Upcoming Community Listening event. And more!

January 2021:  Industry campaign to overturn bylaws; Courtenay motion re nuisance smoke; Roundtable update; National non-smoking week graphic; news and views; and more!

July 2020: Call for Roundtable members; Good news from City of Courtenay; and more!

March 2020: New burning restrictions linked to COVID-19; recent media stories, TAKE ACTION, Information table, New postcard and graphics.

January 2020: Training Session; New ad; upcoming information table; students walk through smoke

November 2019: Industry lobby; upcoming meeting; wood heating and PAHs, new BCA graphic

May 2019: More good news! CVRD says No to Stove Rebates. Upcoming Courtenay Council Presentation.

March 2019: New Brochure; Comox says no to new stoves; Cumberland presentation; Wood heat not always the cheapest; and more!

February 2019: AIR QUALITY ADVISORY ISSUED; 1200 film views, CVRD resolution; recent news.

January 2019: New film released, what we say to sick people, CVRD meeting, “Burned” documentary showing, recent news.

November 2018:  New graphics; change is in the air, film release date, educational podcast; council emails available; and more.

October 24 2018: The Air We Breathe; Vital Signs 2018; Newly elected support air quality; Cumberland bylaw change; and more!

October 3 2018: Candidates respond to Air Quality questions; things are getting busy; new news; donations matter.

April 2018: Public Forum videos online; New personal story; Survey Deadline April 9; Election strategy.

March 2018: CVRD survey on home heating and air quality; Nursing students talk AQ; Public Forum on Air Quality this week!

February 2018: Public Meeting on Air Quality; Online Quiz; Cumberland bylaws not passed.

December 24, 2017: Bad air for Santa; Improvements in Political Will; Recent News stories

December 11 2017: Yet another Air advisory issued; What is ‘venting’

December 7, 2017: Air advisory issued, Recent News

November 7, 2017: Air advisory issued, Recent News

September 2017: Online seminar, Recent News, More Success, State of the Air, emissions inventory and more.

April 2017: Questions for Candidates; Mobile Monitoring Maps

March 2017: Air Quality Forum; Recent News.

February 27, 2017: Heart attacks and wood smoke; Cumberland burning update; recent news

February 1 2017: First Newsletter, Recent News, A Success!