Healthier Home Video from Cowichan

Click image to watch 3 min video on Youtube.

Our fellow CVRD down island (Cowichan Valley Regional District) has produced this wonderful short video highlighting the benefits of switching to cleaner heat, namely heat pumps.

According to new heat pump owners (and past wood stove users), “They’re quiet, they’re efficient, they’re cost effective….and you’ve got instant heat.”

Breathe Clean Air has also heard stories of people in the Comox Valley who have also made the switch to cleaner heat because they don’t want to pollute the air they and their neighbours breathe. We are very thankful people are recognizing their role in helping to ensure we all have cleaner air to breathe!

Strong Rebates Needed 

To help more people transition to cleaner heat, we need strong rebate programs and even low interest loans to help people make the transition. (Cowichan now provides $2000 for heat pumps. The Comox Valley currently provides $1000).

Unfortunately, even rebates this size still make it difficult for low income homes to switch.

However, there are examples out there of strong rebate programs that provides an large enough amount that makes switching to a heat pump more realistic and that provides extra assistance to lower income people. In Utah, “The program covers costs depending on income. Low-income households can get 95% of the costs covered, or up to $4,000 depending on residency. Other households can get 75% of costs covered, or $2,800.” Read the full article about this popular program.

To learn more about how individuals and governments can help clean up our air, please visit our Solutions page.


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